About Us

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Giving's cool. Free stuff's cool. Let's make it happen

The principle of this website is simple. Today we see a lot of waste, many of us are guilty to throw away things when they are slightly broken (but not beyond repair) or because we do not like them any more (but others might).

On the other hand, we see the opposite: people that need new things but do not want to spend - due to a lack of funds, a desire to save, or simply an objective to limit excessive consumption.

However, it is very difficult to blame the people that throw things away, everyone knows giving’s cool but giving also used to be very hard. So we made it easy. No excuses. 

Just post the stuff you don’t need anymore on this website and someone else will offer it a new life. The opposite is true, you need something specific, before buying it, quickly check on giving’s cool to see if someone is giving it away for free. 

Help others. Save the planet. Reconnect with the community. giving’s cool.

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